June 22, 2012

it's so hot... milk was a bad idea!

Well folks, it's Friday - let's get Random with Shana and Confess about our week with Leslie!
Head to these lovely ladies' blogs and link-up!

Shot below taken today while delivering a proof to a client. It's a picture of one of my favorite buildings in our small downtown. Oh how I'd love to live there, but the space would never suit me, Mike & our fur babies. It sure would be nice to stumble home from the bar vs. calling a cab, and I imagine that center window, the apartment under where it reads South Hall is probably totally tits!

downtown with a beer filter (per Mike) via my instagram
Mikes mom said the word "TITS" in front of me the other day when we were discussing if their puppy might be in heat. Talk about awkward! It's odd to hear your M.I.L. say "tits" especially when you've never heard her say a cuss word.


I confess //
Whenever I say "Damn it's hot outside." I'm reminded of an old Dave Matthew's song, Wasting Time. I hear the lyrics "It's so hot outside, you could fry an egg." echo in my brain. I'm not really a huge DMB fan. I used to be, but that was beers ago. Yes I said beers, it was college, what are you gonna do? But honestly it's hot out. The summer solstice brought on the Southern heat like no one's business and I for one and am not happy it's here.

I confess //
I haven't washed my hair since Sunday.

I confess //
I'm finally getting my first pedicure of the season tomorrow. I'm really excited. I haven't had one since my wedding last October. Don't freak out, I do my own. It's just nice sometimes to be pampered. Mike gave me a gift certificate for a salon here downtown so I am excited to FINALLY use it. Now I just have to figure out a color. I'm thinking aqua.

I confess //
I'm addicted to instagram. Less about taking pictures (so far) and more about viewing everyone else's.

I confess //
I'm going to try a new burger recipe tonight. If it's a smash I will share it. {Along with the Key Lime Cheesecake}.

I confess //
I get a bit territorial with recipes. It's like, if it's magic I want to keep it for myself. A lot of people ask me for my Mac n' Cheese recipe and I almost feel bad for not wanting to give it to them. BUT... I do anyway because I'm not a total bitch. Most people are shocked how simple it is when they realize it's not magic just good old fashioned know how.

I confess //
I'm over the moon that it's Friday. This week has been long as hell. I wait for 5 o'clock. I'm totally purchasing a big ass bottle of Pinot G and sipping it in the heat.

Well I don't think my confessions or randoms where that interesting this week but there they are for you. I hope you all have a great weekend!!!

Do you have any fun plans?
Pin It!


Unknown said...

On the new burger...

Kelly @ turned UP to ELEVEN! said...

Babe that is by far the most epic gif ever!! Love it!

John said...

I read through your whole post and I was all "She's not talking about milk here." And then my brain decided to wake up and I got it. And I giggled.

Also...I am a huge advocate of pedicures. There is nothing better. I hope you enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

I'm on Instagram way too much. I also really really really need a pedicure.

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