May 01, 2012

new blog name revealed...

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Well, it's been a long time coming to change the name of my blog, so those of you who were patient and anxious, thank you for that. I've wanted to do this for a few reasons:

No. 1: I didn't feel like Dare to be Domestic really still had the same ring to it as it did when I started blogging. This was mostly do to the fact that there was already a Dare to be Domestic blog and website being run by a very talented and clearly more original person than myself. I totally though D2BD was brilliant, so did he, probably months if not YEARS before I did.

No. 2: I sort of feel like by using that title, D2BD I'm totally just lumped into one type of blog. That people will only come here interested in hearing about recipes, cleaning, or fun stuff around the house. I full intended to keep up with DIY, Cooking, and Fun Stuff Around The House... but I also wanted to talk about life in general.  Bottom line, I work 40 hours a week, I'm not a housewife, a stay at home mom, or anything that would constitute me being "domestic" all the time. [There is always the future though!!!]

No. 3: I've masted "domestic bliss", I don't always keep up with it, considering there is a huge pile of laundry in the bedroom that is dirty, growing and taking on a life of it's own. And also I've clearly not been the one keeping up with it, my awesome husband has. I cook on a regular basis, I pay my bills, I clean the house {when we have company coming over}, and I do the whole domestic 9 yards, that being said I don't have a lot to blog about in the way of "domestic lifestyle" that would be exciting to my readers. Unless of course you find stain fighting to be exciting, in which case I will let my husband Mike blog about it, since again, he's become laundry guru over here at Casa de Us.  I do however have a ton to blog about when it comes to my lifestyle in general so there is that.

No. 4: I'm a newly wed, and I didn't want to be pigeon holed into just writing about my marriage, or my first year as a married woman etc. Also being a newly wed also brings on the thoughts of future projects and things happening in our lives. One day there will be a baby I'm sure... or a 21 year old Asian boy who's prepping to graduate from medical school but needs a mom and dad in the states to Foster him to further his career, if that is needed WE are your couple, call us! Since that is the case I definitely didn't want to pick a title that would make me stuck in a few years as writing about marriage or kids only...

No. 5: My main reason for all this change was to get out of a certain type of blog and move myself into a LIFESTYLE blog. A place where I can write about anything and everything my heart desires without having to feel like I've gone off track.

So now that you have ALL my reasons I am ready to share with you the blog title that took me forever and a day, many nights of not sleeping and time to commit to and construct... I have gone through probably 20 different titles, designs, and ideas in my head before coming to a final choice that is...

 Dare to be Domestic will officially become.... 

What this new name means to me... is that basically everything in life is hoped to be bright, enjoyable, fun, and something you want to remember living. We live life in the fast lane most days, and are cranked up to our maximum power. Life doesn't always follow these rules, so yes there will be pain, there will be times where you want life to be, slow and turned down... but in the end I felt this was a name that could grow with me, my relationship, my lifestyle and eventually my family.

I am a huge fan of music, it feeds my soul in the good times and the bad. I've always been a big fan of the movie This Is Spinal Tap and one day it just struck me... if I like my music turned up loud, to eleven even, why not make my blog and life turned up full throttle as well.

"These go to eleven." – Nigel Tufnel

Tomorrow I will be switching over my blog to it's new URL, most of you that find me here via blogger won't have any issues, the url should update itself and you won't lose my feed. If you come to me via typepad, wordpress, bloglovin or any other reader sites, please feel free to update your URL tomorrow to...

I hope you will join me, I'm looking forward to updating this place and talking about new topics. Thanks for staying with me for this long journey, and continuing to read, I TRULY appreciate it!

Note: My twitter and pinterest have also changed both will follow: turnedup2eleven
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Amy Carson said...

How exciting!!! I love the new name, it is perfectly you! excited to continue reading at your new home on the interwebs :)

Carolyn said...

Exciting stuff! :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome choice, my friend! Can't wait to see the final reveal.

John said...

I love the new name and the new logo. Congrats!!!

Lora said...

I love it! My feed is either delayed or it didn't work (Google Reader) so I did it manually

Allyson said...

So..I'm all updated now! I thought maybe your old URL would auto-forward and learned this morning that that's not the case. ;) But I updated my feed on my page and we're all systems go. Also, I'm spending the weekend catching up on blogs because we don't have any obligations for the first time in weeks and that makes me a happy panda. LOVE the new name!!!

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