January 20, 2012

random musings & confession friday 1.20.12

Let's get this started the weekend is almost here no time to waste!!!

Join the fun & link up with Shana over at 
  1. Tuesday was interesting, on my way to pick-up Mike for lunch [we eat together everyday] I got to hear one of my old school songs on the radio. It's bad enough that I get excited to hear "Ice Ice Baby" on the radio these days, but what is worse I actually know every. single. lyric. to that song. No lie. I was rapping my little white heart out. Later that evening when I went to pick-up Mike after work [we also carpool everyday] as I was flipping through channels on the radio I came across another HUGE favorite in my high school years... B.B.D.'s "Poison". Truly a great day for radio play - my lesson learned "You never trust a big butt n' a smile."
  2. Oddly enough on Thursday morning while riding to work the radio decided to do a throw back on me again and play Kriss Kross' "Jump". I realized that while I was rapping the ENTIRE song word for word that my mother was right. She said that if my studies were rap songs I'd get straight A's. I don't remember a single lesson from most of my high school or college courses, unless challenged while watching Jeopardy, but I can damn sure tell you "Everything is the back with a little slack, cuz inside out is wigity-wigity-wigity-whack!"
  3. Am I the only one that wasn't surprised by the discovery that Paula Dean has Type 2 Diabetes?
  4. Alabama player Kilpatrick declared he's going to enter himself into the NFL draft... a few days later he was busted for possession of weed. Classy, dude. I hope that even though he's not under Nick Saban's wing any more that Saban rips him a new asshole, for being one! Roll Tide!
  5. I was going to save this for a "She Tried It" segment but decided I'd just share it here since it's rather random. I tried a Big Mac for the first time in my life on Wednesday. Yes I'm 35 and I had never eaten a Big Mac. It never appealed to me and I honestly had the fear that I would LOVE it to the point that I'd want to eat them all the time. It's not the worst menu item at McDonald's but it's certainly far from the best. 530+ calories no thanks. I tried it, it was alright but I think if I had a moment where I had to feed the McD's craving I'd much rather just go with the Cheeseburger, plain, basic and small w/ some small fries. So there you have it, not earth shattering at all. I'd like to thank Kathryn over at omnivore100project for inspiring me to try it, and thank my stomach for not being head over gut for it! Whew... bullet dodged.
  6. Work is feast or famine right now. Last week I was bored out of my mind this week my brain is spinning. It is what it is. I'm just thankful I have a job and that I'm busy again so please don't take this as bitching!

Step into the Confessional... man I miss Real World circa the 90's!

Link up withe Leslie over at A Blonde Ambition
  • I need a hair cut so bad. I haven't had it trimmed since well... before my wedding. Probably three weeks before my wedding. It's horrible. I look like a Redneck trying to be Kim Kardashian. Only these aren't extensions and they damn sure aren't shining like her hair does. I just can't decide if I want to go shorter, or keep it fairly long. OH the choices!
  • I also need a pedicure, or maybe just an all over spa day. If only that shiz was free.
  • After months of living out of my suitcase [October - November I left my clothing in there from the honeymoon and then November - NOW from my trip back home to see my dad]. I finally reorganized my clothing. Let me be clear, I still did laundry, Mike did laundry, and I still had clean clothing. I just continued to place all the clean folded clothing on top of said suitcase and used that as my means as to put clothing away. Nothing has been hung since October, or before that. It's just sad. Finally the other night I had enough of it and put all my clothes away. It's amazing how much it decreases stress in the AM about what to wear when you can easily see all your clothing hanging in front of you.
  • I don't care about the Super Bowl now. None of the teams I have stock in are currently in the running so I'm done. I guess I'll just watch the commercials. That being said, you all know I like the Mannings so I guess I'll be pulling for Eli to get to the big game.
  • I still have Christmas decorations up in the house. Mike took down the outdoor ones so that we didn't look too bad to the neighborhood but the inside is still full of holiday cheer. At least in my defense we thought my dad might be down shortly after the holidays for a late Christmas. He hasn't made it yet so we are finally going to tackle that this weekend.
  • I was supposed to start Turbo Fire last week... didn't happen. After getting sick I felt it would be wise to rest and then start fresh next week. I gotta get myself motivated... apparently tight jeans aren't enough to get my ass moving just yet!
  • I jump on the badwagon late with a lot of things [tv shows, trends, smartphones, hunger games - still haven't bothered to buy it]. So this really shouldn't be a surprise or a confession but... Mike and I finally watched a few episodes of It's Always Sunny in Philly... and now I'm totally hooked. Why do I always wait so long? I LOVE IT!
via IMDB
Well there you have it folks - my confessions and musings! I hope you all have a great weekend! We don't have any plans as of yet, so I'm hoping for a mellow weekend! 

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John said...

I can't believe it took you 35 years to try a Big Mac.

Yes...all of that and I took away the story about the Big Mac.

Have a great weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

That girl is POISON!!!!!!!!!

I know the words to all 3 of those songs.

My Christmas tree is still up, but I did put all of the other decorations away. (just last night)

Kelly @ turned UP to ELEVEN! said...

Thank you Misty - I feel SO much better now! Yes Shana... 35 years and I ate my First Big Mac. To be fair when I order burgers at other places I simply ask for Mustard and Ketchup and that is it... only recently did I start getting the works and ONLY at an actual restaurant NOT fast food.

Unknown said...

I can't agree more with #6 ! Ugh I am so glad it's the weekend and I can finally forget about work for the next two days!

Happy Friday!!

XO. Britt
The Magnolia Pair


Kallay said...

Paula Dean has Type 2 diabetes??

/end sarcasm

Big Mac = Yuck. (I've never had one. I'm just being judgy against the McD.) Kudos to you for trying new things though. I'm looking forward to the Reuben showdown! I'll email you when I find one worthy! :D It's gonna be exciiiiiting!

I need to get my hair colored. I have an inch of roots and am resorting to wearing hats everywhere I go. And since the only hats I look good in are baseball hats... I look like a celebrity. *har har* As if... more like a celebrity in one of those celebrities without makeup ads. :)

Good luck with Turbo Fire! I'd have a hard time getting motivated for that, too. Haha! You know you can do it though. You've done it before!

marie said...

I am 38 and have never had a big mac, but I've had plenty of their ice cream cones!

If I were in the car with you I'd be singing along too because yes, I know ALL the words. And I am not ashamed.

My-cliffnotes said...

Love these, and your blog. Excited to follow along


Kathryn said...

I LOOOOOOOOVE that you know every word to "Jump"- I don't think I know any word to that song besides "jump," but I do know every word to Outkast's "B.O.B." And I just got my first haircut in 6 months, so don't feel bad- you're not alone!

AiringMyLaundry said...

I love McDonalds so I've had lots of Big Macs.

Quarter Pounders are my favorite though.

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