via southern plate
I had never heard of hoe cake. It's hard for me to describe or compare this delicious treat to anything I've eaten before but if you can imagine a light and fluffy cake with a crispy, crusty bottom that's a bit like a biscuit (or cornbread if you use cornmeal), then you can imagine the flavor and texture of a hoe cake. The image above is actually the bottom of the cake, flipped to be the top because let's face it the crispy party is the best. Check out the Southern Plate's recipe here her's is very close to the one I've tasted.
I was introduced to this marvel the day before I started my P90X journey. Memorial Day morning our friend AK called and invited us to breakfast. She was cooking hoe cakes and chocolate gravy. Those of you that are from the South probably had chocolate gravy as a staple in your weekend breakfast routine, I myself had never had it until this past year. Yes I've lived here for over 5 years, and I've never had chocolate gravy until this year, it's so sad. It's basically like hot chocolate pudding and it's pretty freaking amazing. Add it to a hoe cake and it's a bit of alright! AK makes hers in a cast iron skillet (I so want one of these) and it is magical. She also used buttermilk which I think gave it a nice extra zing. Needless to say this type of food and all the goodies available here in the South are the main reason I need P90X in the first place. Trust me if you've had good down home Southern cooking you'd totally understand.
Now I know that this kind of food is not on my diet but I couldn't help but talk about it. I was also curious to see how in the dark I am and how many of you may have enjoyed a hoe cake before. If you have never tried it and get a bit grossed out by the whole aspect of shortening and how much is used, I urge you to indulge just once to say you did. The name alone sold me. Apparently years ago settlers made these cakes over the fire on the back of a garden hoe, hence the name hoe cake. Or at least that is what AK told me and she knows her shizz so I believed her.
I promise this will not be a regular thing that I eat, I'd die I'm sure. But I figured the healthiest way to obsess about bad food right now would be to write about it, not eat it. Right? Trust me, like Southern Plate says, if you love biscuits, you'll love this cake!

I've never had that! Or chocolate gravy. YUM! I can't eat flour but it looks soooo good. I have a cast iron skillet and I LOVE it. It's a Southern staple.
Oh my! I have to try this.
AK here, if y'all try chocolate gravy, I recommend Paula Deen's recipe. Make sure you get the heat high enough to thicken it, but whisk like a mad woman to keep the milk from scorching. Patience and perseverance are your friends with chocolate gravy.
This is the first I've heard of hoe cake. I was intrigued by the title though.
Yay April!!! Welcome! I think I'll change that to Paula's Link then :)
I've never had a hoecake. But, most cakes contain bready ingredients, which means I will eat it. Oh yes, I will eat it. Except fruit cake. Yuckers.
Hi! I found you through Bev's blog. I was born and raised in Connecticut but have lived in Georgia for almost 20 years. I am very much familiar with the hoe cake but I've never heard of chocolate gravy. I will get right on it. :)
Girl, I have lived in the South my entire life and have never had a Hoe Cake, now I have heard of it but I thought it was more of a carnival food like a funnel cake? and Choc Gravy? I have NEVER had, but plan to google as soon as I leave here!! Have fun with all the Southern treats!
Never heard of a hoe cake... doesn't sound so good... but that chocolate gravy kind of peaked my interest... LOL I'm glad I don't live in the South. I don't think I'd survive... haha!!!
P.S. How have I not been following you this entire time??? What the heck have I been smoking? LOL No worries, I fixed that! I'm your newest follower! hehe
chocolate gravy sounds to be about the bestest thing in the whole wide world!
wow, ive used that phrase an endless amount of time, but i just used it without even thinking it was an actual word.
learn something everyday!
Ummmmm... nope! Have neither tried both of those but I am thinking I might just need to!!
Welcome Shandal - I think we've been comment jumpers between blogs for a while!
Everyone you must try it if you haven't. Sure it's bad for you but one taste and you'll say - OK I'm really glad I tried this. But please don't blame me if you get hooked ;)
I am from the south and I have never had a hoe cake! And frankly I'm surprised. It sounds like something my grandmother would have made. I am a new follower! Can't wait to read more!
i have never heard of this. but i am on a mission now. i need it.
I've never heard of it either, but I want one. Like, NOW.
Never heard of it, sounds good though. Thanks for coming by the birds nest and becoming a flocker. You're blog is too cute I think I might have to follow you now.
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